Message: Invalid boot ini

Friday, July 3, 2009

Regularly come in for various people, the message: invalid boot.ini. What does this now and what can be done? The boot.ini file is a startup that makes allocations for the start-up and therefore is essential in Windows XP. How to solve this please read below.

Error Message "Invalid Boot.ini" or "Windows could not start" in the boot

When you start your computer after you have upgraded to Microsoft Windows XP, is one of the following error messages (or both) is displayed:

Invalid Boot.ini
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WindowsSystem32Hal.dll

This problem may occur if the Boot.ini file is missing, damaged or contains incorrect entries.

To resolve this issue by the computer to boot from the CD-ROM Windows XP, the Recovery Console to start and then the Boot.ini file again to make the tool Bootcfg.exe. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Configure your computer so that it can be booted from the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive. For more information, see your computer documentation or contact the manufacturer of your computer.

2. Insert the CD-ROM Windows XP in the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive and restart the computer.

3. Press any key to restart the computer to boot from the CD-ROM with Windows XP when the message "Press any key as the computer from a CD-ROM to boot" is displayed.

4. In the screen "Welcome to Setup" press R to start the Recovery Console.

5. Select the installation that you want to access from the Recovery Console on the computer can be selected from two or more operating systems on startup.

6. Request, type the administrator password and press ENTER.

7. Type bootcfg / list to the MS-DOS prompt and press ENTER. The entries in the current Boot.ini file appear.

8. Type bootcfg / rebuild at the MS-DOS prompt and press ENTER. With this command, the hard disk of the computer searched for installations of Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows NT, and the results are displayed. Follow the instructions on the screen to the Windows installations to the Boot.ini file to add. Here's how an installation of Windows XP can be added to the Boot.ini file:
a. If a message similar to the following, press Y:
Total Identified Windows Installs: 1
C: Windows. Installation to boot list? (Yes / No / All)

b. There is a message to the following:
Enter the identification at startup
This is the name of the operating system. Type this message in the name of the operating system and press ENTER. You type here Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition.

c. There is a message to the following:
Give the option for booting the operating system
Type in this message / fastdetect, and then press ENTER.

Note The instructions on the screen depending on the configuration of the computer differ.

9. Type exit and press ENTER to close the Recovery Console. The computer restarts and the updated boot list appears when you can choose which operating system you want to boot.