Apple Tops PC Customer Service Rankings

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

When it comes to customer service, PC manufacturers aren’t held with quite the same contempt as cable companies, health insurers and Internet service providers –- but they don’t have much to brag about, either.

Forrester Research’s 2008 customer experience index, a survey of some 4,500 consumers, ranked the PC makers slightly above companies in those other industries but below such perennial headaches as the wireless companies, airlines and credit card issuers.

Today, the research firm broke out its specific on PC makers, and the news was good for Apple and bad for everyone else.

Apple notched an 80 percent, or “good” rating, in Forrester’s customer experience index, which is an average of responses on topics like whether companies meet customer needs and make products that are easy and enjoyable to use.

Gateway scored a 66; Hewlett-Packard, a 64; and Compaq (a brand owned by H.P.), a 63 — scores that Forrester considers “poor” rankings in the customer experience index.

Dell got a miserly 58 percent, a “very poor” rating.

Bruce Temkin, vice president at Forrester, said the PC industry indeed bombed in the survey, but the low ratings were Mostly driven by consumer's views about Microsoft's Windows ecosystem.

“This is a wake-up call to Microsoft. They have to do a much better job of working with retailers and orchestrating the experiences that all their partners have. They need to do a better job of merchandising with Wal-Mart and Best Buy and invest heavily in retail touch points,” Mr. Temkin said.

Microsoft, in fact, is exploring the idea of opening its own stores precisely for this reason.

As for Dell’s poor rating, Mr. Temkin says the PC maker is going through an identity crisis. “You know, they pushed the envelope on supply chain efficiencies and they lost track of their customer along the way. I see them trying to attack their service interactions and take care of their quality problems,” he said.

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“Here you have” Email Virus - W32/VBMania@MM

Monday, September 13, 2010

A new version of "I love you" virus/worm called "Here you have" Virus came ou. All it does when ran is distribute itself using your addressbook. Many big corporations were hit, and antivirus software had to release an emergency updates.

Clean “Here you have” Email Virus

US-CERT have issued alerts of a worm spreading through email with the subject "Here you have" and being identified as the W32/VBMania@mm or “VBMania” worm. The virus has been spreading primarily via email, asking recipients to click on a link masked as a PDF file that actually links to malware being hosted on an external server. In a sample, an emailed contained a link to “PDF_Document21_025542010_pdf.scr’” which directed users to malware hosted on the domain “”. The virus had been spreading rapidly but researchers are saying that volume has dropped significantly once the site hosting the malware was shut down. When a user clicks on the link, their computer instantly downloads and launches the malware.

The worm also attempts to spread from computer to computer over local networks. So, disable network sharing and/or disconnect infected computers from the local network and Internet and block outbound traffic to the domains/ IP addresses contained in the malicious e-mail to prevent users connecting to distribution sites to download.

Stinger utility is used to detect and remove this threat. Stinger is a stand-alone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses. It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, but a tool to assist administrators and users when dealing with an infected system.

Remove Svchost.exe Malicious Virus

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Generic Host Process for Win32 Services or svchost.exe is a legal and essential component of Windows which is used to host services which run from dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). Multiple instances of Svchost.exe can run at the same time. So it is not a problem in most cases if you see five or six or even more copies of svchost.exe running in your services because they host different groups of DLLs.

Steps to remove malicious Svchost.exe Virus:

1) Scan your PC for the following viruses: CashToolbar Downloader-MY, System1060, CoolWebSearch Svchost32, ADCLICK-AG, ADCLICK-AX, ADUYO-A, AGENT-V, AGOBOT-KL, AUTOTROJ-C.

2) Go to Windows Automatic Updates properties (right-click on My Computer, then click on Properties and switch to Automatic Updates tab).

3) Choose "Turn Off Automatic Updates", click OK and reboot your PC.

4) Manually update Windows using "Windows Update" shortcut in the start menu.

5) Turn automatic updates on.

6) If your problem is not solved on this step, uninstall old Hewlett-Packard printer and scanner drivers (if any) and download new drivers from the manufactures web site.

7) If your problem is not solved on this step, use the following command to show all svchost.exe instances and associated services or libraries: tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe"

This is good and effective way of Generic Host Process or svchosts.exe repair.

New Updates for Google Image Search

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Google declared number of updates to the design and presentation of the image search section on its Web site. Google also said it would begin offering advertising with images on these pages. Company has given a major overhaul to the layout of its Images search engine's results page and introduced a new advertising format specific for this service. Google Images, whose index includes 10 billion photos, will now feature what the company calls a "dense tiled layout," designed to simplify the procedure of reviewing many images.

Now, a designer could show an ad with a picture of a new trench coat whenever somebody searched for pictures of coats, or a ski resort could show a picture of its mountain that would show up when people search for images of winter vacation spots. The site will also feature an instant scrolling feature that lets users sift through an endless stream of photos rather than continually clicking to load a new page of images. Google built its image search engine in 2001. People use it to answer different questions that are more easily explained with a picture.

The new advertising format, called Image Search Ads, lets advertisers include a thumbnail image along with the ad's text. Aside from the thumbnail image, Image Search Ads work like Google's pay-per-click (PPC) ads, the text ads that run along Google search results and in partner Web sites.

How to Uninstall G DATA Antivirus

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

G DATA Antivirus is protection software for your home computer. However, if the corrupt virus signatures possibly have caused it not to upgrade properly, it won’t work regularly and needs to be reinstalled, or probably corrupt files are causing 100% CPU usage, you had to uninstall G Data Antivirus.

Removing G Data Antivirus:
The normal method of uninstalling G DATA Antivirus from PC is from Windows Add/Remove Programs, but sometimes the removal process would hang and you may be unable to remove this program from your computer, because some registry entries and traces may still be left in your computer. In this case, if you wish to completely remove this antivirus, you have to delete all those sticky registry entries, processes, services, as well as related folders and files.

Removing all instances of this antivirus program manually can be extremely difficult and there is a risk of damaging Windows if not done properly. Then you can try using a good removal tool to help you remove this program automatically in seconds. It works in a very simple manner. Aside from working to remove G DATA Antivirus, it can also get rid of other unwanted programs from your computer.

Quickly Install Internet Explorer 8 on PC

Monday, July 5, 2010

Installing IE 8 on computer is very simple. Follow the given steps securely and you will be ready to run Internet Explorer 8.

Installation Process:
1. Search IE 8 on Internet and Click on button for "Download Internet Explorer 8”.
2. Select the respective country from the menu.
3. Select operating system in second step. A pop-up window will open and then save the file. Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 will save to your selected folder.
4. Double click the IE8 file saved on folder and select "Run" in the "Open File - Security Warning" window.
5. Now select "Continue" button if a window named "User Account Control" pops up.
6. Continue clicking "Next" on the "Welcome to Internet Explorer 8" window. You may either follow the steps in the wizard or click "Ask me Later" to confirm your personalized settings at a later time.
7. At last press the "e" icon on your desktop to open new IE8 browser.

New Internet Explorer 9

Monday, June 28, 2010

Microsoft has sneaked out a new demo version of its forthcoming Web browser to highlight its vision of the next-gen Internet. To show that Microsoft is being a good Internet citizen and offering compatibility for all, its latest preview version of Internet Explorer 9 shows off some smart features. Not only will it be an all-singing HTML5-compatible browser but it will accelerate video and other media to offer a full-on broadband Web experience.

While that all sounds great, the arguments start when you see that Microsoft is tying in IE9 deeper into Windows than any previous version. This integration provides the acceleration and jazzy features that make it stand out from a platform-agnostic browser. However, only Windows users will see the full benefit of an IE9 coded site, everyone else will just default back to a — presumably — slower compatible mode.

Using the HTML 5 canvas, video and audio tags, some smart results can be created. Demos on the IE9 Test Drive site include an asteroid field, fish tank and others, all running smoothly. Canvas creates a simplified way of defining a space for 2D visuals, so it will be fun for games and impressive animations, without the need for Flash or other plug-ins. IE9 can turn Web pages into something that looks more like a desktop app with font smoothing and other effects among benefits for general users.

Major Threats to Internet Security

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thе Internet іѕ a very scary рlасе. If уου don’t hаνе internet security software, уου аrе playing a risky game. Thаt’s a very simple аnd direct statement bυt a powerful one. I аm sure mοѕt PC users hаνе hаd ѕοmе form οf malware οn thе PC. Wе аll hаνе bееn thе victim οf a virus, spyware, adware, phishing οr spam mail. All thеѕе hаνе thе potential tο cause crippling dаmаgе tο уουr PC, threaten уουr privacy οr expose tο уουr personal information. Here аrе thе top five threats tο уουr internet security.

1. Spyware: Spyware іѕ аn аll inclusive term thаt includes mοѕt malware such аѕ Trojans, adware, pop up ads, modified cookies, keyloggers etc. Spyware іѕ usually engineered tο watch уουr online activity аnd uncover security errors. Thіѕ іѕ usually thе first step іn setting уου up fοr ѕοmе time information theft. Hackers hаνе developed sophisticated tools such аѕ keyloggers thаt саn record еνеrу key уου type. A qυісk tip іѕ tο avoid free anti-spyware. Spyware works bу exposing flaws іn уουr internet security. Sο search fοr thе anti-spyware program wіth a major magazine endorsement.

2. Identity Theft: Hackers саn steal уουr information bу a variety οf methods. Once thіѕ information іѕ gained, іt wіll bе used tο mаkе online рυrсhаѕеѕ using уουr credit card data, divert paychecks аnd сrеаtе fаlѕе documents. Usually thе top internet security software comes wіth ѕοmе protection against thіѕ problem. An internet security suite mау bе уουr best bet tο protect уουr online information. Another key factor tο search fοr іѕ a major secure payment processor logos аnd information.

3. Spam Mail: Spam Mail itself іѕ nοt dаngеrουѕ. Spam mail саn hаνе malicious links thаt саn dο everything frοm cause уουr PC tο bе infected bу a virus, introduce spyware, аnd attract more spam. A gοοd internet spam filter іѕ usually a gοοd option. Using internet security software аnd ѕοmе common sense wіll hеlр уου avoid bе inundated wіth spam mail.

4. Phishing Mail: Thіѕ method hаѕ become one οf thе more рοрυlаr ways tο stealing vital information such аѕ user names аnd password. Thіѕ works bу sending messages tο уουr email account pretending tο bе trusted sites such аѕ eBay, Paypal οr уουr bank. Thе links redirect уου tο a fаkе site thаt mimics thе trusted site. Yου type іn уουr personal information аnd hacker using іt tο mаkе online transactions wіth уουr info οr уουr money. Thіѕ іѕ real threat tο уου internet security. Thе best way tο avoid thіѕ іѕ tο update уουr web browser wіth phishing detection.

5. Yοu!: Thаt’s rіght maybe thе factor thе poses thе bіggеѕt threat tο уουr internet security. Social engineering such аѕ clicking οn obvious spam mail links, downloading freeware аnd sharing files іѕ a very dаngеrουѕ practice οn thе net. Bу јuѕt investing іn thе best software аnd updating regularly, сουld save уου frοm frustration аnd identity theft. Thіѕ іѕ thе one category whеrе thе bargain bin ѕhουld bе avoided. Alѕο, never download anything thаt іѕ sent tο уουr mail unless уου hаνе scanned іt fοr spyware аnd viruses. Hοwеνеr, іn thе age οf digital sharing people οftеn buck internet security bу trading pictures, movies аnd files without hesitaion.

Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 about to release

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

At the company’s dubiously timed Tech-Ed conference, Microsoft has declared that SP1 is on the way for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

In fact, the service pack will be here before the close of July.

Windows Server 2008 R2 users will find new virtualization tools in SP1, to help them prepare for cloud computing, Microsoft says.

“Remote FX provides rich 3-D graphical experience for remote users, and Dynamic Memory enables more control to adjust memory usage without sacrificing performance,” the company stated in a press release.

Windows 7 users will only benefit from a series of virus fix, although many of these have already been delivered via Windows Update anyway, so the tweaks made will only be very minor.

In fact, the biggest problem the service pack is set to solve will be the reticence of some businesses to adopt a Microsoft operating system until the first service pack is released.

The theory being that all the big bugs will be ironed out by then, and the OS can be considered safe. Except Windows 7 was released in a stable state – something companies aren’t used to Microsoft managing.

These businesses will likely be upgrading from XP, as Vista was about as popular as a horny dog at a Miss Lovely Legs competition.

Test Your Anti Spyware Tool with Spycar

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Are you completely sure that your anti-spyware tool protects your computer from spyware? If no, then you should test your anti spyware with Spycar. It can help you determine whether the anti-spyware software running on your system can actually identify and block the latest spyware.

Spycar prepares a series of tests in the form of links associated to Windows executables that represent different types of spyware actionss. After the tests, Spycar provides a downloadable file called TowTruck 1.0 which measures how your anti-spyware tool acted on the changes initiated by the links. Towtruck will then evaluate whether the spyware-like behavior was blocked or permitted by your spyware tool. You can then use TowTruck to revert the changes done by Spycar and bring back your system to its previous state.
• Free and easy to use
• Step-by-step instructions are provided
• Evaluate spyware tools capabilities
• Helps you determine if your system is spyware-free
• Provides safe tests to check your anti-spyware tool

Rouge Antivirus imitates BitDefender

Thursday, May 27, 2010

BitDefender has recently found a new rogue antivirus software that was tricking users by installing it and posing as a BitDefender PC security product. Moreover the name wasd ByteDefender quite similar to BitDefender, this malicious software acts like a fully-fledged rogue antivirus with a twist.

Unlike other rogue antivirus applications, the ByteDefender sibling does not rely on the classic drive-by method used by most products of its kind, but rather allied on the popularity of the BitDefender products and their distinct visual identity to lure users into voluntarily downloading it. The website distributing it is located at hxxp:// (URL specifically invalidated to avoid accidental infection) and abusively built using the BitDefender layout. The domain name has been registered in Ukraine. Even the boxshots have been crafted in such a manner to trick the user into thinking that they are installing the genuine security product.

The infection scenario is simple, yet efficient: the user searching for a BitDefender software type genuine address and he/she might gets redirected to the malicious software’s webpage. As they have web page similar to webpage structure of original website, the user might download and install this rogue antivirus.
Once installed in the copmuter, this piece of scareware would start showing fake infection alerts in an attempt to pursue the user to purchase the “full version” and get rid of the mentioned fake threats.

Interesting enough, the payment processor for the ByteDefender Rogue antivirus is the trustworthy company Plimus, who has suspended sales on grounds of user abuse.

“Cyber-criminals have no boundaries when it comes to distributing and marketing their rogue computer security software. Sensational events, Trojanized applications or websites and watchfully forged –moreover they are useless – ‘security products’ are only a few of the multitude of methods to capitalize on unwary users”, said Catalin Cosoi, senior Researcher at BitDefender Company.

How to avoid Malware Attack?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Symantec a leading Antivirus and Antispyware company reported that there are more than 12000 malware detected every day. What actually malware means? Malware is a short name for malicious software they are designed to infiltrate your PC without your consent.

The best-known types of malware, viruses and worms, are known for the manner in which they spread, rather than any other particular behavior. The term computer virus is used for a program that has infected some executable software and that causes that software, when run, to spread the virus to other executable software. Viruses may also contain a payload that performs other actions, often malicious. A worm, on the other hand, is a program that actively transmits itself over a network to infect other computers. It too may carry a payload.

How do they infringe even though we have a firewall? The question is still unanswered. Is there any solution for this fatal ruthless infringement? Some would say that keep your anti-virus software updated and do a system run now and then, scan the external hardrive before using it and keep a back up of all the important information you have in your system. The saddest part is that, there are some malware that could even affect the anti-virus application.
One way to keep a check on malware is by changing the extension of the executable file of the antivirus software. But we have to make sure that the program runs with no problems what so ever. Expert technocrats suggest that one can change the extension of the executable to .com from .exe. One can also check the “hide the known extension file types” in the folder option under tools in Microsoft Windows Operating System. Although this is not the only solution to all the malware attacks one can try to keep a check on such nasty malwares.