Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 about to release

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

At the company’s dubiously timed Tech-Ed conference, Microsoft has declared that SP1 is on the way for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

In fact, the service pack will be here before the close of July.

Windows Server 2008 R2 users will find new virtualization tools in SP1, to help them prepare for cloud computing, Microsoft says.

“Remote FX provides rich 3-D graphical experience for remote users, and Dynamic Memory enables more control to adjust memory usage without sacrificing performance,” the company stated in a press release.

Windows 7 users will only benefit from a series of virus fix, although many of these have already been delivered via Windows Update anyway, so the tweaks made will only be very minor.

In fact, the biggest problem the service pack is set to solve will be the reticence of some businesses to adopt a Microsoft operating system until the first service pack is released.

The theory being that all the big bugs will be ironed out by then, and the OS can be considered safe. Except Windows 7 was released in a stable state – something companies aren’t used to Microsoft managing.

These businesses will likely be upgrading from XP, as Vista was about as popular as a horny dog at a Miss Lovely Legs competition.