Fix Your Slow Laptop With Remote Tech Support

Friday, August 26, 2011

Laptops are very useful for the people who need mobile computing device on the go. If you use laptop and experience slow laptop performance it is annoying. Over time, laptops get sluggish. This is very common. Whether you are using a Lenovo laptop or a Dell laptop, you will experience slow laptop problem when it gets old. To fix this problem you can either get in touch with a Dell support or a Lenovo support provider or try some tricks on your own. In this article we will give you some important tips on how to fix slow laptop speed.

While troubleshooting slow laptop problem you should first identify which programs automatically start with the computer operating system. There are many programs that start with the windows which prolong the boot up time of the laptop. Many of these programs might also be completely unnecessary. Programs start with the Windows for the user's convenience. Through the msconfig command limit the number of start up programs. It is recommended only the important programs run on startup. By doing this you can avoid delays or slow speed.

You also need to check the processor use. Go the Windows Task Manager by clicking Shift, Ctrl, and Esc button together. And then click the Processes tab. Check which programs on your computer are using more processor power than its requirements. Sometimes, programs use more processing power due to problems like corrupted or missing key file. This might be problem of the particular software, not the laptop itself. For troubleshooting the problem, uninstall the program first and then reinstalling it. The problem will get resolved.

It is also required to check for incompatibility issues. This means the installed software and the computer hardware is not matching with each other. If this happens then it is required to check the individual hardware. For instance, if you install multimedia software like Adobe Illustrator or Flash or your laptop and there is not adequate RAM, you are likely to experience slow PC performance and even computer freeze.

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Unknown said...
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